Sausage Sizzle Junior Side

Junior School Staffroom 11:15  


Please use the gloves provided at all times when handling food.

BBQ tools and all supplies are in a large plastic box in the FOMS Sausage Sizzle

cupboard (large brown wooden cupboards).


1. Turn the BBQs on and heat up as soon as you arrive. Two people need to be cooking

the sausages. The BBQs will be positioned outside the Temporary Staff Room (old

Classroom 17).

2. Turn on the oven and warmer drawer.

3. Keep the BBQ plates full the whole time so that you can get all the sausages cooked by

12.20pm. Fill oven trays and transfer to oven until time to serve up.

4. The sausages are no longer par-cooked. Please check they are cooked before

transferring to the oven.

Other Food Items

1. Two people need to prepare the plastic trays, cookies, bread apples for each class.

2. Line up the plastic trays on the bench. Place a paper towel in each tray and class order

form just underneath each tray so that you are able to read the totals of sausages,

cookies and apples at the bottom of the sheet. Paper towels can be found in the

dispenser on the wall.

3. The tomato sauce bottles are in the kitchen fridge (sometimes in the crisper). Top up

the sauce bottles (if they are not already, half a bottle is enough). Bulk bottles of sauce

can be found either in the fridge or the sausage sizzle cupboard. If you open a new

bottle please put it in the fridge.

4. In each bag, place the following:

● A bottle of tomato sauce.

● Bread - place the same number slices of bread as the sausage count. Each loaf of

bread has 19-20 slices so add or subtract slices from each loaf, leaving the correct

amount of bread in its bag. There are spare plastic bags in the large plastic box if


● Cookies - count out the cookies, putting them into paper bags that are in the large

plastic box. Use up any existing cookies that are stored under the sink before using

any new packets. Any opened cookies can be stored in the Sistema container from

the Sausage Sizzle cupboard for the next sizzle. Any broken cookies can be eaten

or given away.

● Apples – count out and put them in a bag.

Delivering to classrooms:

At 12.25pm, fill the trays with the required sausages and deliver them to the classrooms

along with the bags containing the sauce, bread, cookies and apples. The teachers will

hand them out.

Please remind the teachers to bring their trays and bags back to the hall kitchen as soon as

possible. This enables all the volunteers to complete the clean up and leave by 12.45pm.


Late orders: if any of the children come in with money to purchase lunch put the money in

the large plastic sausage sizzle box and we will bank next week. Sometimes a child will

come in and say they have ordered a sausage but there was not one on the list. Use your

judgement; there are usually some sausages leftover, let them have one.


1. Make sure the BBQs are turned off at the gas bottle. Once they have cooled please

wipe down with paper towels.

2. The trays and BBQ tools need to be washed, dried and put away back in the cupboard,

sauce bottles topped up and back into the fridge.

3. Make sure the kitchen is tidy when you leave. It is used by Club Meadowbank and

others every day, it is important our fortnightly event doesn’t leave work for the Club

Meadowbank staff to rectify.

4. Please put rubbish in the bin or recycling bins.

If you ever run out of sausages, check with the senior side sausage sizzlers in the school

hall kitchen. As a rule we try to count an extra 10 – 20 more sausages than required to

cover those who ‘forgot’ to order. It is rare that we run out. If you need to cook more

sausages there are more in the freezer in the corridor by the senior side Hall kitchen – they

won’t be frozen as they would have only been put in there at 10.30am that day. Leftover

sausages can be left on the bench for the staff. Leftover cookies can go in the plastic box

(only if they don’t expire before the next sausage sizzle, otherwise leave for the teachers).

Any problems/feedback/suggestions or if you notice we are getting low on supplies like

gloves, plastic bags, utensils or the gas bottles are getting low, please email:

Thanks so much for your help.

Myra Cohen

Meadowbank School

Sausage Sizzle Coordinator

027 77 26 436

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