Junior side helpers - please meet in the junior side staff room around 11.30
Senior side helpers – please meet at 11.30 in the hall kitchen
Please remember to sign in at reception. Below is a bit of info for you in regards to how things happen on Friday.
The sushi will have been delivered by Bruce Lee by 11am. The class lists will be in the staff room/kitchen for everyone. All you need to do is get a class list, pick up the corresponding sushi packs and write the kids first name on the top of the pack in vivid. Once a class is complete pop their order into a supermarket bag and start on the next one. Remember to put wooden forks into the bags to be used for the chicken on rice.
The brown paper bags, vivids and forks are under the sink in the hall kitchen and in the tall kitchen cupboard in the junior staffroom.
Bruce Lee sushi can look quite similar, I suggest the different types are separated out before any packing begins. In particular the large and the small chicken on rice look very similar (the large has a more rounded lid). On the junior side you deliver the bags to the classes around 12.15. On the senior side, kids will come and collect them from the kitchen. If someone could then please stay around for 10 or so minutes after the bell to make sure there are no issues. There will be two extra small chicken on rice so they can be given to kids if needed. If all is fine, please help yourself or give it to the teachers. It would be great to know of any issues - please keep a record on the class sheets, rather than sending them to the classrooms and send me a text (027 936 9861) or email (katiesullivan01@gmail.com) afterwards.
To help out as a sushi volunteer: VOLUNTEER LINK
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